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Andy Yeh Alpha

Virtual net portfolio value:$5,996,853

Net overall return per annum:26.11%

Dan Rochefort

Virtual net portfolio value:$4,464,769

Net overall return per annum:21.38%

Rose Prince

Virtual net portfolio value:$4,174,823

Net overall return per annum:20.33%

Peter Prince

Virtual net portfolio value:$4,073,272

Net overall return per annum:19.95%

Jonah Whanau

Virtual net portfolio value:$4,033,441

Net overall return per annum:19.79%

Jacob Miramar

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,923,057

Net overall return per annum:19.36%

Daisy Harvey

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,910,584

Net overall return per annum:19.31%

John Fourier

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,882,638

Net overall return per annum:19.20%

James Campbell

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,880,133

Net overall return per annum:19.19%

Olivia London

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,844,383

Net overall return per annum:19.05%

Laura Hermes

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,785,713

Net overall return per annum:18.81%

Joseph Corr

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,745,404

Net overall return per annum:18.65%

Fiona Sydney

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,722,233

Net overall return per annum:18.55%

Becky Berkman

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,680,989

Net overall return per annum:18.38%

Charlene Vos

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,652,829

Net overall return per annum:18.27%

Monica McNeil

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,634,654

Net overall return per annum:18.19%

Apple Boston

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,559,589

Net overall return per annum:17.87%

Chanel Holden

Virtual net portfolio value:$3,547,199

Net overall return per annum:17.82%


President Donald Trump delivers his first state-of-the-union address.

Daphne Basel

2018-01-29 07:38:00 Monday ET

President Donald Trump delivers his first state-of-the-union address.

President Donald Trump delivers his first state-of-the-union address. Several key highlights touch on economic issues from fiscal stimulus and trade protect

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PwC releases a new study of top innovators worldwide as of November 2018.

Daphne Basel

2018-11-07 08:30:00 Wednesday ET

PwC releases a new study of top innovators worldwide as of November 2018.

PwC releases a new study of top innovators worldwide as of November 2018. This study assesses the top 1,000 global companies that spend the most on R&D

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Bridgewater hedge fund founder Ray Dalio suggests that the current state of U.S. capitalism poses an existential threat for many Americans.

Daphne Basel

2019-04-25 09:35:00 Thursday ET

Bridgewater hedge fund founder Ray Dalio suggests that the current state of U.S. capitalism poses an existential threat for many Americans.

Bridgewater hedge fund founder Ray Dalio suggests that the current state of U.S. capitalism poses an existential threat for many Americans. Dalio deems the

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Global financial markets suffer as President Trump promises *fire and fury* in response North Korean nuclear ambitions.

Daisy Harvey

2017-08-07 09:39:00 Monday ET

Global financial markets suffer as President Trump promises *fire and fury* in response North Korean nuclear ambitions.

Global financial markets suffer as President Trump promises *fire and fury* in response to the recent report that North Korea has successfully miniaturized

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Apple revises down its global sales revenue estimate to $83 billion due to subpar smartphone sales in China.

James Campbell

2019-01-09 07:33:00 Wednesday ET

Apple revises down its global sales revenue estimate to $83 billion due to subpar smartphone sales in China.

Apple revises down its global sales revenue estimate to $83 billion due to subpar smartphone sales in China. Apple CEO Tim Cook points out the fact that he

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Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller's long-term stock market indicator points to a recent peak.

Apple Boston

2018-09-17 12:40:00 Monday ET

Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller's long-term stock market indicator points to a recent peak.

Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller's long-term stock market indicator points to a recent peak. His cyclically-adjusted P/E ratio (or CAPE) accounts for long-

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