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Andy Yeh Alpha
Virtual net portfolio value:$5,996,853
Net overall return per annum:26.11%
Dan Rochefort
Virtual net portfolio value:$4,464,769
Net overall return per annum:21.38%
Rose Prince
Virtual net portfolio value:$4,174,823
Net overall return per annum:20.33%
Peter Prince
Virtual net portfolio value:$4,073,272
Net overall return per annum:19.95%
Jonah Whanau
Virtual net portfolio value:$4,033,441
Net overall return per annum:19.79%
Jacob Miramar
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,923,057
Net overall return per annum:19.36%
Daisy Harvey
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,910,584
Net overall return per annum:19.31%
John Fourier
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,882,638
Net overall return per annum:19.20%
James Campbell
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,880,133
Net overall return per annum:19.19%
Olivia London
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,844,383
Net overall return per annum:19.05%
Laura Hermes
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,785,713
Net overall return per annum:18.81%
Joseph Corr
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,745,404
Net overall return per annum:18.65%
Fiona Sydney
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,722,233
Net overall return per annum:18.55%
Becky Berkman
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,680,989
Net overall return per annum:18.38%
Charlene Vos
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,652,829
Net overall return per annum:18.27%
Monica McNeil
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,634,654
Net overall return per annum:18.19%
Apple Boston
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,559,589
Net overall return per annum:17.87%
Chanel Holden
Virtual net portfolio value:$3,547,199
Net overall return per annum:17.82%
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