Personal Investment Vitae

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AYA Personal Investment Vitae as of February 2025
Monica McNeil @Monica McNeil
Platinum member since January 2017

Location: United States

Gender: Female

Asset investment style: Quantitative fundamental analysis

Market capitalization:


Virtual portfolio value:


Net overall return per annum:


AYA current rank order:


Asset investment philosophy:
Monica McNeil trades U.S. stocks with the top #126 to #500 positive alpha signals.

Top 10 profitable stock transactions since January 2020Strategy

Symbol Company Buy Sell Share Volume Return (%) Profit ($)
HAO Haoxi Health Technology Limited Class A Ordinary Shares $0.15 $2.50 90,600 +1,566.67% $212,910
RMBL RumbleOn Inc. Class B Common Stock $0.36 $7.95 27,508 +2,108.33% $208,786
XBIOW Xenetic Biosciences Inc. Warrants $2.00 $23.16 5,633 +1,058.00% $119,194
BQ Boqii Holding Limited American Depositary Shares representing Class A Ordinary Shares $0.36 $3.36 37,750 +833.33% $113,250
SXTP 60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals Inc. Common Stock $0.15 $1.34 84,713 +793.33% $100,808
VATE INNOVATE Corp. Common Stock $0.53 $4.14 23,975 +681.13% $86,550
LGVN Longeveron Inc. Class A Common Stock $3.45 $26.25 2,672 +660.87% $60,922
LSCC Lattice Semiconductor Corporation Common Stock $6.97 $48.04 1,251 +589.24% $51,379
GLOB Globant S.A. Common Shares $34.57 $215.99 252 +524.79% $45,718
HZNP Horizon Therapeutics Public Limited Company Ordinary Shares $16.41 $98.56 531 +500.61% $43,622
Sum $1,043,139

Top 10 current stock portfolio positions as of February 2025Strategy

Top 20 influencers

#1 - #5 #6 - #10 #11 - #15 #15 - #20
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