
Search results : copyright

Steven Shavell presents his economic analysis of law in terms of the economic outcomes of both legal doctrines and institutions.

Jacob Miramar

2023-08-21 12:25:00 Monday ET

Steven Shavell presents his economic analysis of law in terms of the economic outcomes of both legal doctrines and institutions. Steven Shavell (2004)   Foundations of economic analysis of law  ...
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Management consultants can build sustainable trust-driven client relations through the accelerant curve of business value creation.

Monica McNeil

2020-11-17 08:27:00 Tuesday ET

Management consultants can build sustainable trust-driven client relations through the accelerant curve of business value creation. Alan Weiss (2016)   Million dollar management consultancy: professiona...
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The unique controversial management style of Steve Jobs helps translate his business acumen into smart product development.

Dan Rochefort

2020-03-26 10:31:00 Thursday ET

The unique controversial management style of Steve Jobs helps translate his business acumen into smart product development. Jay Elliot (2012) Leading Apple with Steve Jobs: management lessons from a controversi...
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The business legacy of Steve Jobs transforms smart mobile devices with Internet connectivity and digital content.

Becky Berkman

2020-03-19 13:39:00 Thursday ET

The business legacy and sensitivity of Steve Jobs can transform smart mobile devices with Internet connectivity, music and video content curation, and digital photography. Jay Elliot with William Simon (2011) T...
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Mark Zuckerberg develops Facebook as a social network platform to help empower global connections among family and friends.

Amy Hamilton

2020-02-12 09:31:00 Wednesday ET

Mark Zuckerberg develops Facebook as a social network platform to help empower global connections among family and friends. David Kirkpatrick (2011) The Facebook effect: the inside story of the company that con...
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Many U.S. large public corporations spend their tax cuts on new dividend payout and share buyback.

Jacob Miramar

2018-05-23 09:41:00 Wednesday ET

Many U.S. large public corporations spend their tax cuts on new dividend payout and share buyback.

Many U.S. large public corporations spend their tax cuts on new dividend payout and share buyback but not on new job creation and R&D innovation. These

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Paul Samuelson defines the mathematical evolution of price theory and then influences many economists in business cycle theory and macro asset management.

Joseph Corr

2023-05-14 12:31:00 Sunday ET

Paul Samuelson defines the mathematical evolution of price theory and then influences many economists in business cycle theory and macro asset management.

Paul Samuelson defines the mathematical evolution of economic price theory and thereby influences many economists in business cycle theory and macro asset m

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Macro eigenvalue volatility helps predict some recent episodes of high economic policy uncertainty.

James Campbell

2020-09-15 08:38:00 Tuesday ET

Macro eigenvalue volatility helps predict some recent episodes of high economic policy uncertainty.

Macro eigenvalue volatility helps predict some recent episodes of high economic policy uncertainty, recession risk, or rare events such as the recent rampan

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Stock Synopsis: Pharmaceutical post-pandemic patent development cycle

John Fourier

2024-05-05 10:31:00 Sunday ET

Stock Synopsis: Pharmaceutical post-pandemic patent development cycle

Stock Synopsis: Pharmaceutical post-pandemic patent development cycle In terms of stock market valuation, the major pharmaceutical sector remains at its

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Goldman, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and UBS face an antitrust lawsuit.

Daphne Basel

2018-09-30 14:34:00 Sunday ET

Goldman, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and UBS face an antitrust lawsuit.

Goldman, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and UBS face an antitrust lawsuit. In this lawsuit, a U.S. judge alleges the illegal cons

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Stock Synopsis: ESG value and momentum stock market portfolio strategies

Fiona Sydney

2024-03-26 09:30:00 Tuesday ET

Stock Synopsis: ESG value and momentum stock market portfolio strategies

Stock Synopsis: ESG value and momentum stock market portfolio strategies Since 2013, we have been delving into the broad topics of ESG (Environmental, So

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