Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Common Stock (NASDAQ:ADMP)

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Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, formerly Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is a specialty pharmaceutical company engaged engages in the research, development, and commercialization of prescription medicines for the treatment of viral infections. Adamis Pharmaceuticals is composed of two wholly owned subsidiaries, Adamis Labs and Adamis Viral Therapies. Adamis Labs is a commercial stage specialty pharmaceutical company targeting high-prescribing physicians in the allergy, respiratory and pediatric medicine market segments. To complement and add to the sales efforts of Adamis Labs, Adamis Viral Therapies is focused on the development of patented, highly-valued proprietary vaccine technology that Adamis believes has the potential to prevent or treat infections such as influenza or chronic hepatitis. Adamis also provides packaging for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. The company is headquartered in Del Mar, California....

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