Warren Buffett points out that many people misunderstand his stock investment method in several ways.

Jonah Whanau

2017-06-21 05:36:00 Wed ET

In his latest Berkshire Hathaway annual letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett points out that many people misunderstand his stock investment method in several ways.

First, his long-term buy-and-hold method does not apply to special cases that warrant an immediate exit strategy. For instance, Warren Buffett has sold major equity stakes in AT&T, Deere, P&G, IBM, and most importantly, Walmart.

Second, Warren Buffett expects medium-term consolidation and transformation within the air transport industry. For this reason, he retains substantial equity stakes in Delta, South West, and United Continental Airlines.

In regard to the latter major stock sale, Warren Buffett praises the recent rise and success of Amazon (i.e. Walmart's closest online retail rival).

Third, Warren Buffett simply laughs at his own *stupidity* in neglecting the epic ecommerce success of Amazon, Alibaba, Google, and Apple. While he retains an active interest in Apple as now the world's largest corporation and dividend payer, Buffett thinks that he needs a cultural change in his ambivalent attitude toward technology stocks with decent fundamental prospects.

Overall, these points help clarify the common misconception of Warren Buffett's long-term buy-and-hold value investment strategy.


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