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Author Jacob Miramar
Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global technological advancements. As of Fall-Winter 2026, this analytic report delves into the current technological advances, medications, and treatments for diseases, disorders, and other health conditions in association with old age. As men and women live longer lives, the resultant long lifespan often reflects a mixture of lean and healthy lifestyle choices such as good diet, regular exercise, less stress, mood control, high-quality sleep, and deeper and better social integration with family and friends. We discuss, describe, and delve into the medical sciences of longer longevity and their broader implications for stock market investments.
Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global technological advancements. As of Fall-Winter 2026, this analytic report delves into the current technological advances, medications, and treatments for diseases, disorders, and other health conditions in association with old age. As men and women live longer lives, the resultant long lifespan often reflects a mixture of lean and healthy lifestyle choices such as good diet, regular exercise, less stress, mood control, high-quality sleep, and deeper and better social integration with family and friends. We discuss, describe, and delve into the medical sciences of longer longevity and their broader implications for stock market investments.
We discuss, describe, and delve into the new medical sciences of longer longevity and their broader implications for stock market investments. In our modern human history since 1950, the average life expectancy worldwide has incrementally risen by 3 months to 5 months each year. The vast majority of men and women can now expect to live well beyond 70 years in many of the rich countries. This demographic mega trend reflects new medications, treatments, and therapies for many common diseases, disorders, symptoms, and other health conditions in association with old age. These diseases, disorders, and other health conditions include heart diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, sleep apnea and other disorders, peripheral arterial diseases, liver and kidney diseases, some sorts of cancers, non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis, knee osteoarthritis, and so forth. Many tech titans have invested heavily on high-efficacy medications, treatments, and therapies for these diseases, disorders, and other health conditions in support of both longer lifespan and substantial improvements in the health quality of life.
However, there are at least 2 major caveats. First, the increases in human lifespan are only incremental and so eventually confront the upper limit. Although the global number of centenarians continues to grow over time, this number seems to stretch its limit in due course. A recent Pew Research survey shows the new projection of more than 3.7 million centenarians worldwide by 2050, or almost 3 times as many centenarians per head of population as in 2015. Nonetheless, only one in 1,000 of these centenarians can live beyond 110 years, and almost no one can live beyond 120 years in modern human history. The maximum human age seems to rise at a much slower pace than the average human life expectancy does in recent decades. Second, the average healthspan, or the number of healthy vital years, may or may not keep pace with longer lifespan. For this reason, many tech titans have invested heavily in modern AI technological advancements in new medications, treatments, and therapies to support both longer lifespan and substantial health improvements in the quality of life for many men and women worldwide. Further, pharmaceutical titans have invested significantly in brand-new third-generation anti-obesity weight-loss medications primarily due to their increasingly higher efficacy and other health benefits. As many men and women now live longer lives, longer lifespan reflects a mix of clean, lean, and healthy lifestyle changes, choices, and decisions from good diet and regular exercise to smarter and better sleep, mood control, less or minimal stress, and deeper, greater, and broader social integration with family and friends. Today, new biomedical innovations, research endeavors, and capital investments help slow down and even reverse human age progression.
Several stock market magnates, moguls, tycoons, and key venture capitalists have been instrumental in the creation of lean startups in support of both longer lifespan and better healthspan. For instance, the serial venture capitalist and co-founder of PayPal and Facebook etc, Peter Thiel, invested a hard, high, and hefty fraction of his personal net worth in many medtech advances and lean startups in health care, precision medicine, and biotechnology. These ventures include Palantir, Women’s Healthcare Fund, Founders Fund, and Lindus Health. Specifically, Thiel invested more than $410 million in a strategic partnership between Palantir and the British National Health Service (NHS) to completely revamp the NHS patient data system. In addition, Thiel supported Recharge Capital’s $200 million Women’s Healthcare Fund to focus on high-efficacy alternative medications, treatments, and therapies for breast cancer, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Through Founders Fund, Thiel invested many millions of dollars in 5 major lean startups for better biotech and medtech advances, inventions, and solutions. These major lean startups span Forward Health, Emerald, Cambrian, Counsyl, and Stemcentrx (now as part of AbbVie). In the meantime, these ventures focus on the new, non-obvious, and next-generation technical advances and medical innovations in biometric body scans, blood tests, stem cell therapies, and genetic modifications for better disease prevention. In recent years, Thiel contributed to the $6 million venture investment fund for the London company, Lindus Health, to dramatically speed up clinical trials for new medications, treatments, and therapies.
The Stanford co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, invested heavily in better biotech, healthcare, and precision medicine too, primarily through 2 major Alphabet subsidiaries Verily and Calico. Today, Verily focuses on new medications, treatments, and therapies for dyspraxia, dyslexia, sleep apnea, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and other mental health and movement disorders. Furthermore, Verily seeks to eradicate all sorts of infectious diseases by killing insects and mosquitoes with the Zika, dengue fever, and other viruses and bacteria etc. In addition, Google DeepMind applies machine-learning algorithms and other AI-driven instruments to substantially sharpen the medical predictions of fatal diseases such as kidney and liver failures, stroke, cardiac arrest, sepsis, and pulmonary embolism.
Google DeepMind has built a new program, AlphaFold, from the previous success of AlphaGo in outperforming the top Go chess players worldwide. With AlphaFold, biomedical scientists help accelerate the major identification of new compounds in better clinical trials. Specifically, AlphaFold analyzes how some sequence of amino acids folds into the particular shape for some sort of protein. In essence, AlphaFold helps identify the more complex set of rules for some sequence of amino acids to fold biomedically into the same shape for some sort of protein in the human body. With tremendous success worldwide, AlphaFold accelerates and so revolutionizes the new wave of innovative drug discovery in support of smarter, faster, and better AI-driven medications, treatments, and therapies. In 2024, Google DeepMind CEO and Co-Founder Sir Demis Hassabis and DeepMind Director Dr John Jumper won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their recent design and development of AlphaFold for predicting the structures of different proteins from their amino acid sequences. Hassabis and Jumper shared this Nobel Prize with Dr David Baker who worked on computational protein design.
Many clever biomedical scientists had been trying hard to create computer models of the structural processes for folding amino acids into proteins in the human body for many decades. Just as AlphaGo trounced the best Go chess human players in recent years, AlphaFold substantially improved the best efforts of many biomedical scientists in past decades. Specifically, the shape of each protein reveals immense practical importance in terms of what the protein does alone, what other molecules can do to this protein, and the complex chemical interactions between each protein itself and its nearby and adjacent molecules and chains of amino acids. Almost all the basic structural processes of life depend on new complex chemical interactions among vital proteins, molecules, amino acid chains, and so forth. The vast majority of new drug discovery programs aim to find some sorts of molecules in support of desirable chemical interactions. Sometimes these molecules block specific protein actions, and sometimes these molecules encourage and stimulate specific protein actions. Before AlphaFold, more than 50 years of structural biology had produced several hundred thousand reliable protein structures through the traditional X-rays and nuclear-magnetic resonance techniques. AlphaFold and its closest rivals and competitors, ESMFold by Meta AI, OmegaFold by Helixon, and RoseTTAFold by Baker Lab, have provided more than 600 million sharp and accurate predictions of protein shapes for AI-driven medications, treatments, and therapies. Today, these deep machine-learning algorithms and Gen AI models, robots, and instruments etc continue to accelerate new technological advancements in structural biology.
Nowadays, Larry Page and Sergey Brin drive and steer Calico’s scientific research endeavors to build up new longitudinal patient databases. The next steps can help reveal the mainstream medical mechanisms for human age progression. In close collaboration with top institutions such as Harvard Medical School and Mayo Clinic, Calico delves into how biomedical doctors, scientists, and other health specialists can use new medications, treatments, and therapies to help slow down the natural course of human age progression. Today, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still does not recognize old age as a disease state and therefore as a proper target for treatment in America. Despite this current obstacle, Calico now navigates many health factors, forces, and biochemical interactions for medical intervention. These best efforts can combine to help each patient return to the new normal steady state. Even though these best efforts cannot reverse human age progression, these best efforts can perhaps help extend human healthspan dramatically in due course.
The founder and serial entrepreneur of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, invested in numerous companies in support of early cancer detection (Grail), immunotherapy (Juno), and anti-aging research (Unity) primarily through his venture fund, Bezos Expeditions. In recent years, the CEO and co-founder of OpenAI, Sam Altman, backed the $1 billion round for the AI-driven healthcare startup, Retro Biosciences, in support of new medications, treatments, and therapies for common diseases, disorders, and other health ailments. Through the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates invested heavily in new high-efficacy medications, vaccines, treatments, therapies, and healthcare services worldwide. Specifically, the Gates Foundation provides a $90 million prize for the new, non-obvious, next-generation pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). In accordance with the original prize proposal by Nobel Laureate Michael Kremer, the Gates Foundation strives to prevent pneumococcal infections by providing the new vaccine to each person at the $2.00 marginal cost. In recent years, the Gates Foundation continues to finance global biomedical research programs to eradicate HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, polio, and malaria, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. With Quantum Biosciences, the Gates Foundation now aims to advance mRNA vaccine design, research, and mass production for efficient Covid prevention. Through the Dementia Discovery Fund, Bill Gates supports many lean-startup ventures on new medications and treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In addition, Gates continues to finance Foundation Medication in support of the new discovery of DNA sequences for cancer medications. Today, Bill Gates serves as one of the major investors in Ginkgo Bioworks. This biotech company helps tailor biochemical health products and medications to men and women with specific DNA sequences. We believe these resultant biomedical research developments can come to fruition in due course.
Beneath the forest canopy of pharmaceutical titans and startups with tech royalty, an undergrowth of lean startups continues to work on new medications, treatments, and therapies against some aspects of human age progression. The basic insight catches on of prolonging both lifespan and healthspan with some pills and potions, in addition to the more conventional baseline approach of diet, exercise, and high-quality sleep. New diagnostic tools, machines, and instruments provide the means for biomedical scientists to calculate the biological ages of both bodies and organs by comparison to actual calendar ages. In principle, this new capability allows both lifespan and healthspan studies to attain remarkable results in less than a lifetime. New gene modifications further help analyze vast amounts of gene sequence data. This new capability helps personalize new stem cells, medications, and treatments with a broader menu of therapeutic options.
Unlike many machines, bodies both make themselves and repair themselves. Why do human bodies age progressively with so many imperfections? Perhaps the high designer of life, natural evolution, focuses on better reproduction instead of longer lifespan. Life arises as a result of genes, development, behavior, and the broader environment. With accidents, predators, and diseases, the environment kills many creatures. Genes with health benefits that show up only over a longer lifespan than the broader environment allows in practice are not likely to perform particularly well in reproduction unless these genes provide some other health benefits. Genes that provide a fertile youth with successful reproduction are often onto a winner. There is some evidence that one variant of a specific gene in association with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases provides reproductive advantages to young people.
From the evolutionary point of view of the genes, a person is a way to make further copies of the genes. In this wider view, a person’s life is a means to an end but not an end in itself. Keeping the human body’s repair mechanisms in tip-top conditions is worthwhile only if the human body gets more genes into the next generation. In this disposable soma approach, the person is a means to an end, and we abandon the life if it is no longer fit for the mainstream purpose of reproduction. This broader perspective helps explain why many diseases and other health conditions are often common in old age but relatively rare in early life. These diseases and other health conditions include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, diabetes, heart diseases, some sorts of cancers, retinal degeneration, osteoarthritis, and so forth.
Many genes have variants, also known as alleles, and all of these alleles work but may cause slightly different effects. With the genetic manipulation of lab organisms, some studies of the genes of human centenarians have identified alleles of specific genes that have been proven experimentally to prolong lifespan. These genes also result in significant improvements in the health quality of life. In recent years, these new studies can often help illuminate the natural course of human age progression. In recent years, these new studies suggest 12 hallmarks of human age progression. The dirty dozen spans genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alteration, metabolic decline for nutrient energy, mitochondrion dysfunction, proteostasis loss, stem cell exhaustion, chronic inflammation, autophagy decline, dysbiosis, cellular senescence, and intercellular breakdown. We delve into the mainstream scientific progress on each of these 12 hallmarks of human age progression. The devil is in the detail. Biomedicine can be quite complex. Sometimes a biomedical intervention may perform well in more than one field. At other times, there may be trade-offs in new medications, treatments, and therapies. We discuss, describe, and delve into the biomedical sciences of both longer lifespan and smarter and better healthspan, as well as their broader implications for stock market investments.
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