Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Common Stock (NYSE:BMY)

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Bristol-Myers Squibb is a one of the leading global specialty biopharmaceutical companies focused on the development of treatments targeting serious diseases like cancer, inflammatory, immunologic, cardiovascular or fibrotic diseases. Backed by its blockbuster immuno-oncology drug, Opdivo, Bristol-Myers has a strong oncology portfolio, comprising other drugs like Revlimid, Pomalyst, Sprycel, Yervoy and Empliciti. It also has important immunology and cardiovascular drugs like Orencia and Eliquis. It's experiencing growth in both the Eliquis brand and the market, while also advancing its Factor XIa inhibitor program. After the sale of the global Diabetes business to AstraZeneca and the discontinuation of discovery research efforts in virology, it's focusing solely on research in core therapeutic areas like oncology, immuno-oncology, immunoscience, cardiovascular, fibrosis and genetically defined diseases. It acquried Celgene Corporation and MyoKardia. It received regulatory approvals for Reblozyl and Inrebic....

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