
Search results : free trade

President Donald Trump blames China for the long prevalent U.S. trade deficits and several other social and economic deficiencies.

Apple Boston

2025-01-22 08:35:08 Wednesday ET

President Donald Trump blames China for the long prevalent U.S. trade deficits and several other social and economic deficiencies. In recent years, President Donald Trump blames China for the long prevalent high ...
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U.S. presidential election: a re-match between Biden and Trump in November 2024

Dan Rochefort

2024-03-19 03:35:58 Tuesday ET

U.S. presidential election: a re-match between Biden and Trump in November 2024 We delve into the 5 major economic themes of the U.S. presidential election between Biden and Trump in 2024. This election is a funda...
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China poses new economic, technological, and military threats to the U.S. and many western allies.

Joseph Corr

2024-02-05 11:26:00 Monday ET

China poses new economic, technological, and military threats to the U.S. and many western allies. In the U.S. government assessment, China poses new economic, technological, and military threats to the U.S. and i...
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U.S. federalism and domestic institutional arrangements

Olivia London

2023-12-10 09:23:00 Sunday ET

U.S. federalism and domestic institutional arrangements A given country is federal when both of its national and sub-national governments exercise separate and autonomous authority, both elect their own governors ...
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International trade, immigration, and elite-mass conflict

Jacob Miramar

2023-12-09 08:28:00 Saturday ET

International trade, immigration, and elite-mass conflict The elite model portrays public policy as a reflection of the interests and values of elites. In this model, elites and masses need not be in conflict: eli...
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Jared Diamond delves into how some societies fail, succeed, and revive in global human history.

Becky Berkman

2023-08-28 08:26:00 Monday ET

Jared Diamond delves into how some societies fail, succeed, and revive in global human history. Jared Diamond (2004)   Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed   As a Pulitzer Prize ...
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Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton suggest that free trade helps promote better economic development worldwide.

Monica McNeil

2023-07-21 10:30:00 Friday ET

Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton suggest that free trade helps promote better economic development worldwide. Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton (2006)   Fair trade for all: how trade can promote de...
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Michael Sandel analyzes what money cannot buy in stark contrast to the free market ideology of capitalism.

Daisy Harvey

2023-06-21 12:32:00 Wednesday ET

Michael Sandel analyzes what money cannot buy in stark contrast to the free market ideology of capitalism. Michael Sandel (2013)   What money cannot buy: the moral limits of markets   Michael...
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The U.S. further derisks and decouples from China.

Peter Prince

2023-05-31 03:15:40 Wednesday ET

The U.S. further derisks and decouples from China.   Why does the U.S. seek to further economically decouple from China? In recent times, the Biden administration launches further China investment cur...
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Mark Granovetter follows the key principles of modern economic sociology to analyze social relations and economic phenomena.

Charlene Vos

2023-02-21 08:27:00 Tuesday ET

Mark Granovetter follows the key principles of modern economic sociology to analyze social relations and economic phenomena. Mark Granovetter (2017)   Society and economy: frameworks and principles &...
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Ivanka Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin press the case for GOP tax legislation.

Jonah Whanau

2017-10-15 07:38:00 Sunday ET

Ivanka Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin press the case for GOP tax legislation.

Ivanka Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin both press the case for GOP tax legislation as economic relief for the middle-class without substantial t

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Tony Robbins explains in his latest book on personal finance that *patience* is the top secret.

Becky Berkman

2017-01-27 17:19:00 Friday ET

Tony Robbins explains in his latest book on personal finance that *patience* is the top secret.

Tony Robbins explains in his latest book on personal finance that *patience* is the top secret to successful stock investment. The stock market embeds an

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Central bank independence remains important for core inflation containment in the current age of political populism.

Jonah Whanau

2019-04-21 10:07:54 Sunday ET

Central bank independence remains important for core inflation containment in the current age of political populism.

Central bank independence remains important for core inflation containment in the current age of political populism. In accordance with the dual mandate of

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Financial institutions benefit from higher equity risk premiums and interest rate spreads.

Charlene Vos

2017-04-01 06:40:00 Saturday ET

Financial institutions benefit from higher equity risk premiums and interest rate spreads.

With the current interest rate hike, large banks and insurance companies are likely to benefit from higher equity risk premiums and interest rate spreads.

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World politics, economics, and new ideas from the Psychology of Money written by Morgan Housel

Daphne Basel

2023-10-19 08:26:00 Thursday ET

World politics, economics, and new ideas from the Psychology of Money written by Morgan Housel

World politics, economics, and new ideas from the Psychology of Money written by Morgan Housel We would like to provide both economic and non-economic th

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We share Warren Buffett's famous quotes on fundamental stock investment.

Charlene Vos

2017-07-19 11:35:00 Wednesday ET

We share Warren Buffett's famous quotes on fundamental stock investment.

This brief article encapsulates the timeless wisdom of Warren Buffett's famous quotes on fundamental stock investment, fear and greed, patience, risk co

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