President Trump escalates the current Sino-American trade war by imposing 25% tariffs on $200 billion Chinese imports.

Rose Prince

2018-08-03 07:33:00 Fri ET

President Trump escalates the current Sino-American trade war by imposing 25% tariffs on $200 billion Chinese imports. These tariffs encompass chemical products, steel-and-aluminum goods, and other consumer goods from pet food and furniture to car tires, bicycles, baseball gloves, and beauty products. Commerce Secretary Willbur Ross points out that these non-cataclysmic tariffs amount to less than 1% of China's real GDP economic growth. In response, China prepares to retaliate by introducing 5%-25% tariffs on about $60 billion U.S. exports.

China's chief diplomat suggests that any U.S. unilateral threat or blackmail will only intensify Sino-U.S. trade conflicts with severe damage to the economic interests of all parties. Among other trade tools, the Trump administration now applies tariffs and duties to push China to abandon unfair practices in order to reach a new trade deal. The Trump team aims to balance its desire to force the Xi administration back to the negotiating table with joint efforts to avoid escalation in the current Sino-U.S. trade war. U.S. trade reps urge China to address the longstanding U.S. Trade Act Section 301 concerns about Chinese unfair practices such as patent, copyright, and trademark infringement and other intellectual property theft.


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Spotify considers directly selling its shares to the retail public with no underwriter involvement.

Rose Prince

2018-01-08 10:37:00 Monday ET

Spotify considers directly selling its shares to the retail public with no underwriter involvement.

Spotify considers directly selling its shares to the retail public with no underwriter involvement. The music-streaming company plans a direct list on NYSE

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Former White House chief economic advisor Nouriel Roubini discusses the major limits of central-bank-driven fiscal deficits.

Rose Prince

2019-12-25 19:46:00 Wednesday ET

Former White House chief economic advisor Nouriel Roubini discusses the major limits of central-bank-driven fiscal deficits.

Former White House chief economic advisor Nouriel Roubini discusses the major limits of central-bank-driven fiscal deficits. The International Monetary Fund

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Apple adds fresh features to its new iPad Pro and MacBook Air in addition to its prior suite of iPhones.

Joseph Corr

2018-11-03 11:36:00 Saturday ET

Apple adds fresh features to its new iPad Pro and MacBook Air in addition to its prior suite of iPhones.

Apple adds fresh features to its new iPad Pro and MacBook Air in addition to its prior suite of iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR back in September 20

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Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin indicates that the Trump team puts the trade war with China on hold.

Olivia London

2018-05-19 09:29:00 Saturday ET

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin indicates that the Trump team puts the trade war with China on hold.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin indicates that the Trump team puts the trade war with China on hold. The interim suspension of U.S. tariffs should offer in

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Most business organizations should continue to create new value in order to achieve long-run success and sustainable profitability.

Peter Prince

2020-09-10 08:31:00 Thursday ET

Most business organizations should continue to create new value in order to achieve long-run success and sustainable profitability.

Most business organizations should continue to create new value in order to achieve long-run success and sustainable profitability. Todd Zenger (2016)

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Smart firms and customers connect the continuous flow of lean production to the lean consumption of cost-effective minimum viable products.

Olivia London

2020-07-26 15:29:00 Sunday ET

Smart firms and customers connect the continuous flow of lean production to the lean consumption of cost-effective minimum viable products.

Firms and customers create value and wealth together by joining the continual flow of small batches of lean production to the lean consumption of cost-effec

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