Cool Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:AWSM)

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Cool Holdings, Inc. markets and distributes various mobility, computing, audio/video, and other technology products. The company operates in two segments, OneClick Retail Stores, and Cooltech Distribution. It operates a chain of OneClick 16 retail consumer electronics stores authorized under the Apple Premier Partner, APR (Apple Premium Reseller) and AAR MB (Apple Authorized Reseller Mono-Brand) programs, of which 6 stores located in Argentina, 7 stores located in the Dominican Republic, and 3 stores located in Florida. The company offers laptops, tablets, cell phones, drones, smart watches, gaming consoles, accessories, and audio devices. It distributes various consumer electronics to resellers, retailers, and small and medium-sized businesses in Latin America and the United States. Cool Holdings, Inc. is based in Miami, Florida....

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Precautionary-motive and agency reasons for corporate cash management

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Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius proposes designing a new Financial Conditions Index (FCI).

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