Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. Common Shares (NYSE:AQN)

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Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. is a renewable energy and regulated utility company engaged in the ownership of power generation facilities, and water and energy utilities primarily in North America. The Corporation invests in hydroelectric, wind and solar power facilities, and sustainable utility distribution businesses (water, electricity and natural gas) through its subsidiaries. Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. is headquartered in Oakville, Canada....

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Fed Chair Jerome Powell hints slower interest rate increases because the current rate is just below the neutral threshold.

Jacob Miramar

2018-12-07 11:35:00 Friday ET

Fed Chair Jerome Powell hints slower interest rate increases because the current rate is just below the neutral threshold.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell hints slower interest rate increases because the current rate is just below the neutral threshold. NYSE and NASDAQ share prices rebo

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Incoming New York Fed President John Williams suggests that it is about time to end forward guidance.

Becky Berkman

2018-05-13 08:33:00 Sunday ET

Incoming New York Fed President John Williams suggests that it is about time to end forward guidance.

Incoming New York Fed President John Williams suggests that it is about time to end forward guidance in order to stop holding the financial market's han

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David Colander and Craig Freedman argue that economics went wrong when there was no neoclassical firewall between economic theories and policy reforms.

Becky Berkman

2023-11-28 11:35:00 Tuesday ET

David Colander and Craig Freedman argue that economics went wrong when there was no neoclassical firewall between economic theories and policy reforms.

David Colander and Craig Freedman argue that economics went wrong when there was no neoclassical firewall between economic theories and policy reforms. D

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America and China play the game of chicken over trade and technology.

John Fourier

2018-05-01 11:38:00 Tuesday ET

America and China play the game of chicken over trade and technology.

America and China play the game of chicken over trade and technology, whereas, most market observers and economic media commentators hope the Trump team to

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The Trump administration mulls over antitrust actions against Amazon, Facebook, and Google.

Monica McNeil

2018-11-19 09:38:00 Monday ET

The Trump administration mulls over antitrust actions against Amazon, Facebook, and Google.

The Trump administration mulls over antitrust actions against Amazon, Facebook, and Google. President Trump indicates that the $5 billion fine against Googl

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Public sentiment turns quite a bit against Facebook in light of the public issues around fake news.

Apple Boston

2017-12-03 08:37:00 Sunday ET

Public sentiment turns quite a bit against Facebook in light of the public issues around fake news.

Sean Parker, Napster founder and a former investor in Facebook, has become a "conscientious objector" on Facebook. Parker says Facebook explo

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