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Search results : business judgment
2023-04-03This research delves into the public policy implications of worldwide convergence to Berle-Means stock ownership dispersion.
2018-11-17 09:33:00 Saturday ET
Zillow share price plunges 20% year-to-date as its competitors Redfin and Trulia also experience an economic slowdown in the real estate market. The real es
2019-12-04 14:35:00 Wednesday ET
Many billionaires choose to live below their means with frugal habits and lifestyles. Those people who consistently commit to saving more, spending less, an
2023-12-08 08:28:00 Friday ET
Tax policy pluralism for addressing special interests Economists often praise as pluralism the interplay of special interest groups in public policy. In
2019-01-01 03:34:48 Tuesday ET
American allies assist AT&T and Verizon in implementing 5G telecommunication technology in the U.S. as such allies ban the use of HuaWei 5G telecom equi
2019-08-26 11:30:00 Monday ET
Partisanship matters more than the socioeconomic influence of the rich and elite interest groups. This new trend emerges from the recent empirical analysis
2023-01-09 10:31:00 Monday ET
Response to USPTO fintech patent protection As of early-January 2023, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has approved our U.S. utility patent