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Search results : basel
2020-12-31This simulation study delves into the quantitative effects of the recent proposal for more robust bank capital adequacy.
2013-06-06This research article proposes a new algorithmic model for credit portfolio segmentation.
2010-03-03This research article explains the topical issues in home-host operational risk management under the Basel bank capital regime.
2018-06-10 19:41:00 Sunday ET
Apple enters a multi-year content partnership with Oprah Winfrey to provide new original online video and TV programs in direct competition with Netflix, Am
2018-06-03 07:35:00 Sunday ET
Several recent events explain why Trump may undermine multilateral world order. First, Trump withdraws the U.S. from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership
2019-02-02 11:36:00 Saturday ET
The Trump administration teams up with western allies to bar HuaWei and other Chinese tech firms from building the 5G high-speed infrastructure due to natio
2023-10-07 10:24:00 Saturday ET
Thomas Philippon draws attention to greater antitrust scrutiny in light of the rise of market power and its economic ripple effects. Thomas Philippon (20
2020-11-03 08:30:00 Tuesday ET
Agile lean enterprises break down organizational silos to promote smart collaboration for better profitability and customer loyalty. Heidi Gardner (2017
2018-05-29 11:40:00 Tuesday ET
America and China, the modern world's most powerful nations may stumble into a **Thucydides trap** that Harvard professor and political scientist Graham