Neoliberal public choice continues to spin national taxation and several other forms of government intervention.

Peter Prince

2019-01-07 18:42:00 Mon ET

Neoliberal public choice continues to spin national taxation and several other forms of government intervention. The key post-crisis consensus focuses on government intervention as the primary root cause of socioeconomic malaise in several OECD countries. Ideology continues to inform public policy, and neoliberalism specifically advocates a minimal role for the state in economic affairs such as taxation, health care, trade, infrastructure, and immigration. Neoliberal public choice emphasizes regulatory failures rather than historical country-specific experiences.

The sheer predominance of utilitarian myopia reflects fundamental misconceptions about the proper role of government. Contrary to the post-crisis consensus, active strategic public-sector investment is critical to both economic revival and financial stability. The state should act as an investor of first resort, rather than a lender of last resort, for greater tech advances and revolutions in finance, energy, transport, medicine, and information communication. The government can learn much from the best business minds of Warren Buffet and George Soros in finance, Elon Musk in energy and autonomous transport, Peter Diamandis and James Brewer in health care and medicine, as well as Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Jeff Bezos in information communication technology. Effective capitalism calls for facilitative state involvement in economic governance and regulation.


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Artificial intelligence continues to push boundaries for tech titans to sustain their disruptive innovations and competitive advantages.

Chanel Holden

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President Trump imposes punitive tariffs on $60 billion Chinese imports in a brand-new trade war.

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President Trump imposes punitive tariffs on $60 billion Chinese imports in a brand-new trade war.

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Chinese Belt-and-Road funds large international infrastructure investment projects primarily in East Asia, Central Asia, North Africa, and Italy.

Fiona Sydney

2019-04-15 08:37:00 Monday ET

Chinese Belt-and-Road funds large international infrastructure investment projects primarily in East Asia, Central Asia, North Africa, and Italy.

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Bill Gates and Warren Buffett shared their best business decisions in a 1998 panel discussion.

Laura Hermes

2017-11-13 07:42:00 Monday ET

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett shared their best business decisions in a 1998 panel discussion.

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Harvard financial economist Alberto Cavallo empirically shows the recent *Amazon effect* of faster retail price adjustments.

Amy Hamilton

2018-08-23 11:34:00 Thursday ET

Harvard financial economist Alberto Cavallo empirically shows the recent *Amazon effect* of faster retail price adjustments.

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European Central Bank designs its current monetary policy reaction function and interest rate forward guidance in response to low inflation.

Peter Prince

2019-04-11 07:35:00 Thursday ET

European Central Bank designs its current monetary policy reaction function and interest rate forward guidance in response to low inflation.

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