Search results : cold war
2024-02-05 11:26:00 Monday ET
2023-05-31 03:15:40 Wednesday ET
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2023-11-28 11:35:00 Tuesday ET
David Colander and Craig Freedman argue that economics went wrong when there was no neoclassical firewall between economic theories and policy reforms. D
2018-08-09 16:36:00 Thursday ET
President Trump applies an increasingly bellicose stance toward the Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani as he rejects a global agreement to curb Iran's nuclea
2018-07-13 09:41:00 Friday ET
Yale economist Stephen Roach warns that America has much to lose from the current trade war with China for a few reasons. First, America is highly dependent
2018-01-01 06:30:00 Monday ET
As former chairman of the British Financial Services Authority and former director of the London School of Economics, Howard Davies shares his ingenious ins
2018-09-15 11:35:00 Saturday ET
Apple releases its September 2018 trifecta of smart phones or iPhone X sequels: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR. Both iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max ha
2023-12-08 08:28:00 Friday ET
Tax policy pluralism for addressing special interests Economists often praise as pluralism the interplay of special interest groups in public policy. In