BioLineRx Ltd. American Depositary Shares (NASDAQ:BLRX)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

Bioline RX Ltd. is a biopharmaceutical development company. BioLineRx is dedicated to building a portfolio of products for unmet medical needs or with advantages over currently available therapies. The Company's portfolio consists of clinical stage candidates including BL-1020 for schizophrenia , BL-1040, for treatment of patients following a myocardial infarction, BL-5010 for non-surgical removal of skin lesions, BL-1021 for neuropathic pain and BL-7040 for treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In addition, BioLineRx has many products in various pre-clinical development stages for a variety of indications, including central nervous system diseases, oncology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases....

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