Big Lots Inc. Common Stock (NYSE:BIG)

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Big Lots, Inc. along with its fully-owned subsidiaries is a broad-line closeout retailer in the U.S. It offers products under various categories including Food, Consumables, Furniture, Seasonal, Soft Home, Hard Home, Electronics and Toys & Accessories. Its furniture category includes upholstery, mattress, case goods, and ready to-assemble departments while the seasonal category includes Christmas trim, lawn & garden, summer, and other holiday departments. Its Soft Home category includes fashion bedding, utility bedding, bath, window, decorative textile, home organization, area rugs, home decor, and frames departments. Consumables category comprises health, beauty and cosmetics, plastics, paper, chemical, and pet departments. Food category comprises beverage & grocery, candy & snacks, and specialty foods departments. Electronics, Toys, & Accessories category comprises electronics, toys, jewelry, and hosiery departments. Small appliances, table top, and home maintenance departments form the Hard Home category....

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