Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin welcomes a weak U.S. dollar amid pervasive fears of an open trade war between America and China.

James Campbell

2018-01-15 07:35:00 Mon ET

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin welcomes a weak U.S. dollar amid pervasive fears of an open trade war between America and China. At the World Economic Forum, Mnuchin now praises the steady greenback devaluation that helps promote competitive U.S. export prices. This praise adds noise to the status quo as Trump seeks to withdraw from the North American free trade agreement, the Paris climate change accord, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Canadian, French, and Indian prime ministers accuse the Trump administration of unfair protectionism that trade deficits beget tariffs, quotas, and even embargoes.

Trumpism prevails in the face of international reprehension when the weaker dollar reaches a 3-year trough and gold prices rise to the highest level in about 2 years. Throughout the Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, we associate each sharp greenback depreciation with key fiscal stimulus, export expansion, and subsequent interest rate hike. In order to resolve the twin deficit problem (i.e. both fiscal deficit and trade deficit), the Federal Reserve needs to raise the interest rate further to attract capital flows from abroad.

It is important for the Trump team to attract foreign investors to buy Treasury bonds to finance the perennial U.S. fiscal debt and deficit. Key exchange rate stabilization remains a hot pursuit for both U.S. policymakers and regulators to serve in the best interests of American workers and investors.


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San Francisco Fed CEO Mary Daly suggests that trade escalation is not the only risk in the global economy.

Rose Prince

2019-06-19 09:27:00 Wednesday ET

San Francisco Fed CEO Mary Daly suggests that trade escalation is not the only risk in the global economy.

San Francisco Fed CEO Mary Daly suggests that trade escalation is not the only risk in the global economy. Due to the current Sino-U.S. trade tension, the g

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The top Sino-U.S. tech titans now reach the trademark total market capitalization of $4 trillion as of July 2018.

Fiona Sydney

2018-07-07 10:33:00 Saturday ET

The top Sino-U.S. tech titans now reach the trademark total market capitalization of $4 trillion as of July 2018.

The east-west tech rivalry intensifies between BATs (Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent) and FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google). These Sino-U.S.

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The lean CEO encourages iterative continuous improvements and collaborative teams to innovate around core value streams.

Monica McNeil

2020-07-12 08:30:00 Sunday ET

The lean CEO encourages iterative continuous improvements and collaborative teams to innovate around core value streams.

The lean CEO encourages iterative continuous improvements and collaborative teams to innovate around core value streams. Jacob Stoller (2015)  

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The Intel trinity of Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove establishes the primary semiconductor tech titan in Silicon Valley.

Jonah Whanau

2020-04-03 09:28:00 Friday ET

The Intel trinity of Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove establishes the primary semiconductor tech titan in Silicon Valley.

The Intel trinity of Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove establishes the primary semiconductor tech titan in Silicon Valley. Michael Malone (2014)

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Tech companies seek to serve as quasi-financial intermediaries.

Amy Hamilton

2019-03-03 10:39:00 Sunday ET

Tech companies seek to serve as quasi-financial intermediaries.

Tech companies seek to serve as quasi-financial intermediaries. Retail traders can list items for sale on eBay and then acquire these items economically on

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President Trump targets Amazon in his call for U.S. Postal Service to charge higher delivery prices on the ecommerce giant.

Laura Hermes

2018-01-03 08:38:00 Wednesday ET

President Trump targets Amazon in his call for U.S. Postal Service to charge higher delivery prices on the ecommerce giant.

President Trump targets Amazon in his call for U.S. Postal Service to charge high delivery prices on the ecommerce giant. Trump picks another fight with an

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