Ameresco Inc. Class A Common Stock (NYSE:AMRC)

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Ameresco, Inc. is an independent provider of comprehensive energy efficiency solutions for facilities throughout North America. The Company's solutions include upgrades to a facility's energy infrastructure, and the construction and operation of renewable energy plants. It engages in the development, design, engineering, and installation of projects that reduce the energy, as well as operation and maintenance costs of governmental, educational, utility, healthcare, and other institutional, commercial, and industrial entities facilities. Ameresco, Inc. is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts....

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Here we provide our AYA proprietary alpha stock signals for all premium members on our AYA fintech network platform. Specifically, a high Fama-French multi-factor dynamic conditional alpha suggests that the stock is likely to consistently outperform the broader stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Russell 3000, MSCI USA, and MSCI World etc. Since March 2023, our proprietary alpha stock signals retain U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) fintech patent protection, approval, and accreditation for 20 years. Our homepage and blog articles provide more details on this proprietary alpha stock market investment model with robust long-term historical backtest evidence.

Sharpe-Lintner-Black CAPM alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (1993) 3-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 4-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (2015) 5-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Dynamic conditional 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Last update: Saturday 20 July 2024


Netflix has an unsustainable business model in the meantime.

Becky Berkman

2019-05-02 13:30:00 Thursday ET

Netflix has an unsustainable business model in the meantime.

Netflix has an unsustainable business model in the meantime. Netflix maintains a small premium membership fee of $9-$14 per month for its unique collection

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The Chinese Xi administration may choose to leverage its state dominance of rare-earth elements to better balance the current Sino-U.S. trade war.

Dan Rochefort

2019-06-13 10:26:00 Thursday ET

The Chinese Xi administration may choose to leverage its state dominance of rare-earth elements to better balance the current Sino-U.S. trade war.

The Chinese Xi administration may choose to leverage its state dominance of rare-earth elements to better balance the current Sino-U.S. trade war. In recent

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Tim Berners-Lee suggests that several tech titans might need to be split up in response to some recent data breach and privacy concerns.

Chanel Holden

2018-11-09 11:35:00 Friday ET

Tim Berners-Lee suggests that several tech titans might need to be split up in response to some recent data breach and privacy concerns.

The Internet inventor Tim Berners-Lee suggests that several tech titans might need to be split up in response to some recent data breach and privacy concern

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Larry Summers critiques that the Trump tax holiday for U.S. multinational corporations may cause inadvertent consequences.

Rose Prince

2017-01-17 12:42:00 Tuesday ET

Larry Summers critiques that the Trump tax holiday for U.S. multinational corporations may cause inadvertent consequences.

Former Treasury Secretary and Harvard President Larry Summers critiques that the Trump administration's generous tax holiday for American multinational

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San Francisco Fed CEO Mary Daly suggests that trade escalation is not the only risk in the global economy.

Rose Prince

2019-06-19 09:27:00 Wednesday ET

San Francisco Fed CEO Mary Daly suggests that trade escalation is not the only risk in the global economy.

San Francisco Fed CEO Mary Daly suggests that trade escalation is not the only risk in the global economy. Due to the current Sino-U.S. trade tension, the g

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U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution.

Becky Berkman

2019-09-15 14:35:00 Sunday ET

U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution.

U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution. The U.S. Treasury cla

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