Akorn, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKRX)

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Akorn, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company, develops, manufactures, and markets generic and branded prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter (OTC) consumer health products, and animal health pharmaceuticals in the United States and internationally. The company operates in two segments, Prescription Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Health. The Prescription Pharmaceuticals segment offers generic and branded prescription pharmaceuticals in various dosage forms, including sterile ophthalmics, injectables, and inhalants; and non-sterile oral liquids, topicals, nasal sprays, and otics. Its primary products include Akten, a topical ocular anesthetic gel; AzaSite, an antibiotic used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis; Cosopt, Cosopt PF, Betimol, and Zioptan, which are used in the treatment of glaucoma; and Xopenex inhalation solution used in the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm. The Consumer Health segment manufactures and markets OTC products for the treatment of dry eye under the TheraTears brand. It also markets other OTC consumer health products comprising Mag-Ox, a magnesium supplement; and the Diabetic Tussin line of cough and cold products. In addition, this segment offers a portfolio of animal health products, such as Anased and VetaKet veterinary sedatives; Tolazine and Yobine sedative reversing agents; and Butorphic, a pain reliever. Further, the company sells its products to wholesale distributors. Akorn, Inc. was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Lake Forest, Illinois....

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