ArcLight Clean Transition Corp. Unit (NASDAQ:ACTCU)

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Trump advisor Gary Cohn aims for tax neutrality over the next decade.

Charlene Vos

2017-02-25 06:44:00 Saturday ET

Trump advisor Gary Cohn aims for tax neutrality over the next decade.

As the White House economic director, Gary Cohn suggests that the Trump administration will tackle tax cuts after the administration *repeals and replaces*

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Federal Reserve reduces the interest rate by another quarter point to the target range of 1.75%-2% in September 2019.

John Fourier

2019-10-07 12:35:00 Monday ET

Federal Reserve reduces the interest rate by another quarter point to the target range of 1.75%-2% in September 2019.

Federal Reserve reduces the interest rate by another key quarter point to the target range of 1.75%-2% in September 2019. In accordance with the Federal Res

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The Trump team receives a 3.2% first-quarter GDP boost as Federal Reserve halts the next interest rate hike in May 2019.

Olivia London

2019-05-07 09:30:00 Tuesday ET

The Trump team receives a 3.2% first-quarter GDP boost as Federal Reserve halts the next interest rate hike in May 2019.

The Trump team receives a 3.2% first-quarter GDP boost as Fed Chair Jay Powell halts the next interest rate hike in early-May 2019. This smooth upward econo

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Most artificial intelligence applications cannot figure out the intricate nuances of natural language and facial recognition.

Fiona Sydney

2019-09-01 10:31:00 Sunday ET

Most artificial intelligence applications cannot figure out the intricate nuances of natural language and facial recognition.

Most artificial intelligence applications cannot figure out the intricate nuances of natural language and facial recognition. These intricate nuances repres

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With majority control, House Democrats pass 2 bills to reopen the U.S. government without funding the Trump border wall.

John Fourier

2019-01-12 10:33:00 Saturday ET

With majority control, House Democrats pass 2 bills to reopen the U.S. government without funding the Trump border wall.

With majority control, House Democrats pass 2 bills to reopen the U.S. government without funding the Trump border wall. President Trump makes a surprise Wh

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The Trump administration introduces new tariffs on $50 billion Chinese goods amid the persistent bilateral trade dispute.

Laura Hermes

2018-06-09 16:40:00 Saturday ET

The Trump administration introduces new tariffs on $50 billion Chinese goods amid the persistent bilateral trade dispute.

The Trump administration introduces new tariffs on $50 billion Chinese goods amid the persistent bilateral trade dispute. The tariffs effectively boost cost

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