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Econometric theory and evidence in practice

Author Andy Yeh Alpha

This book provides many useful mathematical exercises in graduate econometric theory and practice. Many quantitative exercises, examples, codes, and solutions draw from the collective wisdom of major econometric books by Greene, Hamilton, Hayashi, White, and Wooldridge etc. The reader can benefit from these solutions with many mathematical equations and notations to become familiar with the core curriculum for econometric theory and practice. The main topics cover (non)linear least squares theory, quasi-maximum likelihood estimation, minimax estimation, financial time-series econometric theory (ARMA-GARCH, ARMA-EGARCH, and ARMA-GJR-GARCH), generalized method of moments (GMM) with exogenous instrumental variables, panel data estimation with endogeneity and unobservable heterogeneity, binary response model estimation (i.e. probit and logit), multinomial response model estimation (conditional logit and Berry-Levinsohn-Pakes random-coefficients mixed logit), Tobit model estimation with corner solutions, Heckman sample selection model estimation, and so forth.


This book provides many useful mathematical exercises in graduate econometric theory and practice. Many quantitative exercises, examples, codes, and solutions draw from the collective wisdom of major econometric books by Greene, Hamilton, Hayashi, White, and Wooldridge etc. The reader can benefit from these solutions with many mathematical equations and notations to become familiar with the core curriculum for econometric theory and practice. The main topics cover (non)linear least squares theory, quasi-maximum likelihood estimation, minimax estimation, financial time-series econometric theory (ARMA-GARCH, ARMA-EGARCH, and ARMA-GJR-GARCH), generalized method of moments (GMM) with exogenous instrumental variables, panel data estimation with endogeneity and unobservable heterogeneity, binary response model estimation (i.e. probit and logit), multinomial response model estimation (conditional logit and Berry-Levinsohn-Pakes random-coefficients mixed logit), Tobit model estimation with corner solutions, Heckman sample selection model estimation, and so forth.


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