Mario Draghi declares the ECB agreement on a thorny set of revisions to Basel 3.

Rose Prince

2017-11-25 06:34:00 Sat ET

Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, heads the international committee of financial supervisors and has declared their landmark agreement on a thorny set of revisions to Basel 3. Many bankers and pundits refer to these revisions as Basel 4. While many banks prefer to standardize their equity capital calculations under Basel 3, several multinational banks apply their own internal risk models to gauge appropriate common equity capital ratios. Now the primary concern relates to the unfortunate outcome that the minimum regulatory capital results would become lower for a given large bank if one chose to apply another bank's internal risk models. This discrepancy might arise from the fact that each bank exhibits different exposure to specific risk types such as commercial real estate default risk and operational risk. Due to this concern, Basel 4 revisions can fill the gap between fact and fiction to help circumvent regulatory arbitrage.

Large banks would need to incorporate loan-to-value ratios into the internal risk models of residential mortgage default risk. On balance, the overall capital floor is 72.5%, which reaches a healthy middle ground between the U.S. preference for 75% and the European tendency toward 70%. Proponents of U.S. financial deregulation suggest that substantially lifting the average capital ratio from 7% to 12%-15% would likely increase the prohibitively high cost of capital for banks, insurance companies, credit unions, and other financial institutions.


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Thomas Piketty empirically shows that the top 1% cohort rakes in 20%+ of U.S. national income.

Daisy Harvey

2018-09-01 07:34:00 Saturday ET

Thomas Piketty empirically shows that the top 1% cohort rakes in 20%+ of U.S. national income.

As the French economist who studies global economic inequality in his recent book *Capital in the New Century*, Thomas Piketty co-authors with John Bates Cl

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Eric Posner and Glen Weyl propose radical reforms to resolve key market design problems for better democracy and globalization.

Chanel Holden

2023-02-14 09:31:00 Tuesday ET

Eric Posner and Glen Weyl propose radical reforms to resolve key market design problems for better democracy and globalization.

Eric Posner and Glen Weyl propose radical reforms to resolve key market design problems for better democracy and globalization. Eric Posner and Glen Weyl

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U.S. fiscal budget deficit hits $1 trillion or the highest level in 7 years.

Monica McNeil

2019-10-25 07:49:00 Friday ET

U.S. fiscal budget deficit hits $1 trillion or the highest level in 7 years.

U.S. fiscal budget deficit hits $1 trillion or the highest level in 7 years. The current U.S. Treasury fiscal budget deficit rises from $779 billion to $1.0

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America seeks to advance the global energy dominance agenda by toppling Saudi Arabia as the top oil exporter by 2024.

Olivia London

2019-03-25 17:30:00 Monday ET

America seeks to advance the global energy dominance agenda by toppling Saudi Arabia as the top oil exporter by 2024.

America seeks to advance the global energy dominance agenda by toppling Saudi Arabia as the top oil exporter by 2024. The International Energy Agency (IEA)

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AYA fintech finbuzz analytic report on the U.S. top tech titans Fall-Winter 2019

Andy Yeh Alpha

2019-11-06 12:29:00 Wednesday ET

AYA fintech finbuzz analytic report on the U.S. top tech titans Fall-Winter 2019

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines fresh light on the fundamental prospects of U.S. tech titans Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (F.A.

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Personal finance author William Danko shares 3 top secrets for better wealth creation.

Rose Prince

2018-12-01 11:37:00 Saturday ET

Personal finance author William Danko shares 3 top secrets for better wealth creation.

As the solo author of the books Millionaire Next Door and Richer Than Millionaire, William Danko shares 3 top secrets for *better wealth creation*. True pro

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