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Search results : corporate diversification

Asset pricing theory and empirical corporate finance

2015-08-07This ebook surveys most contemporary topics and issues in modern asset pricing model design and empirical corporate finance.

This ebook surveys most contemporary topics and issues in modern asset pricing model design and empirical corporate finance. The former focuses on fresh empirical asset pricing tests (e.g. Fama-French factor models), asset pric...+See More


The Federal Reserve System conducts monetary policy decisions, interest rate adjustments, and inter-bank payment operations.

Dan Rochefort

2023-03-28 11:30:00 Tuesday ET

The Federal Reserve System conducts monetary policy decisions, interest rate adjustments, and inter-bank payment operations.

The Federal Reserve System conducts monetary policy decisions, interest rate adjustments, and inter-bank payment operations. Peter Conti-Brown (2017)

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BAC chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt accumulation can cause the next financial crisis.

John Fourier

2018-09-23 08:37:00 Sunday ET

BAC chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt accumulation can cause the next financial crisis.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch's chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt (not household credit supply or bank ca

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The world seeks to reduce medicine prices and other health care costs to better regulate big pharma.

Daisy Harvey

2019-06-07 04:02:05 Friday ET

The world seeks to reduce medicine prices and other health care costs to better regulate big pharma.

The world seeks to reduce medicine prices and other health care costs to better regulate big pharma. Nowadays the Trump administration requires pharmaceutic

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Macro economic innovations and asset alphas show significant mutual causation.

Olivia London

2023-12-03 11:33:00 Sunday ET

Macro economic innovations and asset alphas show significant mutual causation.

Macro innovations and asset alphas show significant mutual causation. April 2023   This brief article draws from the recent research publicati

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House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power.

Peter Prince

2019-08-18 11:33:00 Sunday ET

House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power.

House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power. These companies are Facebook,

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Tony Robbins explains in his latest book on personal finance that *patience* is the top secret.

Becky Berkman

2017-01-27 17:19:00 Friday ET

Tony Robbins explains in his latest book on personal finance that *patience* is the top secret.

Tony Robbins explains in his latest book on personal finance that *patience* is the top secret to successful stock investment. The stock market embeds an

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