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2010-03-03This research article explains the topical issues in home-host operational risk management under the Basel bank capital regime.
2018-04-11 09:37:00 Wednesday ET
North Korean leader and president Kim Jong-Un seeks peaceful resolution and denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. When *peace* comes to shove, Asia
2018-12-13 08:30:00 Thursday ET
The recent arrest of HuaWei senior executive manager may upend the trade truce between America and China. At the request of several U.S. authorities, Canadi
2019-03-21 12:33:00 Thursday ET
Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes breaking up key tech titans such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (FAMGA). These tech titans have become
2022-11-05 11:32:00 Saturday ET
CEO overconfidence and corporate performance Malmendier and Tate (JFE 2008, JF 2005) argue that overconfident CEOs are more likely to initiate mergers an
2019-08-09 18:35:00 Friday ET
Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz maintains that globalization only works for a few elite groups; whereas, the government should now reassert itself in terms o
2018-08-11 14:35:00 Saturday ET
The Trump administration imposes 20%-50% tariffs on Turkish imports due to a recent spat over the detention of an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, in Turkey