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Search results : asset return prediction
2018-10-11The current invention pertains to the novel, non-obvious, and applicable design and development an algorithmic system for dynamic conditional asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation.
2015-08-07This ebook surveys most contemporary topics and issues in modern asset pricing model design and empirical corporate finance.
2017-11-25 06:34:00 Saturday ET
Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, heads the international committee of financial supervisors and has declared their landmark agreement o
2019-04-23 19:45:00 Tuesday ET
Income and wealth concentration follows the ebbs and flows of the business cycle in America. Economic inequality not only grows among people, but it also gr
2017-12-07 08:31:00 Thursday ET
Large multinational tech firms such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon can benefit much from the G.O.P. tax reform. A recent stock research r
2019-12-28 09:36:00 Saturday ET
Global debt surges to $250 trillion in the fiscal year 2019. The International Institute of Finance analytic report shows that both China and the U.S. accou
2018-11-03 11:36:00 Saturday ET
Apple adds fresh features to its new iPad Pro and MacBook Air in addition to its prior suite of iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR back in September 20
2019-04-01 08:28:00 Monday ET
OraSure and its subsidiary DNA Genotek specialize in the lean production of home DNA spit tubes. OraSure extracts core genetic information from microbiome s