The world seeks to reduce medicine prices and other health care costs to better regulate big pharma.

Daisy Harvey

2019-06-07 04:02:05 Fri ET

The world seeks to reduce medicine prices and other health care costs to better regulate big pharma. Nowadays the Trump administration requires pharmaceutical companies to disclose medicine prices in U.S. television ads. Proponents support more transparent disclosures of medicine prices and other health care costs. Yet, other industry groups argue that astronomical medicine prices may inadvertently discourage patients because many specialty medications are not so affordable.

In recent times, the World Health Organization (WHO) discusses universal health care, antimicrobial resistance, and the impact of climate change on global health. A major topic pertains to the high prices of new specialty medicines. For instance, the immuno-oncology medicine Keytruda costs $13,600 per month for continual cancer treatment. Also, the specialty medicine for cystic fibrosis, Orkambi, costs $23,000 per month. In America, many diabetics die primarily due to the high costs of insulin. The Trump administration encourages multinational big pharma firms to reduce medicine prices in America. with healthy price hikes elsewhere, whereas, high health care costs in general, and astronomical specialty medicine prices in particular, remain a widespread problem worldwide. On balance, the government should enforce medicine price reductions to enrich the economic lives of patients around the world.


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World Economic Forum warns that artificial intelligence may destabilize the financial system.

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