Chinese President Xi JingPing calls President Trump to reach Sino-American trade conflict resolution.

Monica McNeil

2019-01-04 11:41:00 Fri ET

Chinese President Xi JingPing calls President Trump to reach Sino-American trade conflict resolution. Xi sends a congratulatory message to mark 40 years since the progressive normalization of diplomatic relations between China and America. In fact, cooperation is the best choice for both sides in light of bilateral trade history. As Xi politely urges the Trump administration to compromise on the bilateral trade standoff, Xi seeks to avert the unilateral U.S. imposition of hefty tariffs on Chinese goods. The reconciliatory gesture serves as a mild response to the previous Trump trade battle plan of raising 10%-to-25% tariffs on $200+ million Chinese goods.

Trump tariffs are detrimental to the Chinese economy because the Shanghai-and-Shenzhen composite stock market indices plunge double-digits with subpar 6.5% real GDP growth in 2018. During the current 90-day trade truce, both teams hope to reach an eventual trade agreement that would benefit both countries as early as possible. Both presidents express sincere goodwill to implement Sino-U.S. trade concessions made on the G20 summit sidelines in 2018Q4.

As U.S. trade rep Robert Lighthizer characterizes the risks of allowing China to join the World Trade Organization, trade alone cannot douse the flames of international rivalry, whereas, economic prosperity often contributes to bilateral conflict.


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