Personal finance and investment author Thomas Corley studies and shares the rich habits of self-made millionaires.

Charlene Vos

2018-03-23 08:26:00 Fri ET

Personal finance and investment author Thomas Corley studies and shares the rich habits of self-made millionaires. Corley has spent 5 years studying the daily habits and routines of self-made millionaires, and he chronicles these results in his books **Rich Habits** and **Change You Habits, Change Your Life**. Rich people share common habits, and others can learn from these habits that help enrich their lives. First, self-made millionaires maintain long-term vision with short-term focus. They often set bold and lofty life goals, value propositions, and mission statements. At the same time, the rich focus on both the important and urgent matters that can often lead to positive results.

For instance, these millionaires attend to money matters like value investors who focus on small profitable cash cows with low relative market valuation that invest conservatively in both capital investment and balance sheet expansion.

Second, self-made millionaires cherish the importance of self-improvement. They read books, articles, blogs, and newsletters about personal finance, management, and other self-help issues. This practice allows these self-made millionaires to turn unproductive routines into better ones.

Third, self-made millionaires enhance their social integration. These millionaires like to network with successful people in personal finance, sport, family, or other social events, and their active social engagement extends beyond their inner circle. In Corley’s 5-year study, what self-made millionaires choose not to accomplish is as important as what they choose to accomplish over several years.


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