Synopsys is a vendor of electronic design automation (EDA) software to the semiconductor and electronics industries. The company offers a full suite of products used in the logic synthesis and functional verification phases of chip design, including a broad array of reusable design building blocks. It also sells physical synthesis and physical design products as well as physical verification products. The company's products are used to design a chip, from concept to the point of delivery to the manufacturer for fabrication. Synopsis provides software and hardware, which are used to develop electronic systems that incorporate chips. Additionally, the company provides Intellectual Property (IP) used in semiconductor design and manufacturing to simplify the design process and accelerate time-to-market for its customers. Synopsis reports revenues in three segments, namely Time-Based Products, Upfront Products and Maintenance and Service....
+See MoreSharpe-Lintner-Black CAPM alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (1993) 3-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 4-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (2015) 5-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Dynamic conditional 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Last update: Saturday 14 December 2024
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