HC2 Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:HCHC)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

HC2 Holdings, Inc., incorporated on February 4, 1994, is a holding company. The Company operates through seven segments: Manufacturing, Marine Services, Insurance, Telecommunications, Utilities, Life Sciences and Other. The Company's subsidiaries include Schuff International, Inc. (Schuff), which is a structural steel fabricator and erector in the United States; Global Marine Systems Limited (GMSL), a provider of engineering and underwater services on submarine cables; Continental Insurance Inc., a platform for its run-off long-term care business, through its two insurance companies, United Teacher Associates Insurance Company (UTA) and Continental General Insurance Company (CGI); PTGi-International Carrier Services (PTGi-ICS), a provider of Internet-based protocol and time-division multiplexing (TDM) access and transport of long distance voice minutes; American Natural Gas (ANG), a compressed natural gas fueling company, and Pansend Life Sciences, Ltd. (Pansend), which is focused on supporting healthcare and biotechnology product development. Its geographical segments are the United States and the United Kingdom. ...

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