Erie Indemnity Company Class A Common Stock (NASDAQ:ERIE)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

Erie Indemnity Company's principal business activity consists of management of the affairs for Erie Insurance Exchange. The company alsoparticipates in the property/casualty insurance business through its three wholly owned subsidiaries, Erie Insurance Company, Erie Insurance Company of New York, and Erie Insurance Property and Casualty Company and through its management of the Flagship City Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Erie Insurance Exchange....

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JPMorgan Chase CEO says President Trump has now awaken the animal spirits in U.S. stocks.

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2017-02-13 09:35:00 Monday ET

JPMorgan Chase CEO says President Trump has now awaken the animal spirits in U.S. stocks.

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon says President Trump has now awaken the *animal spirits* in the U.S. stock market. The key phrase, animal spirits, is the

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Saudi Aramco unveils the financial secrets of the most profitable corporation in the world.

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2019-04-13 14:28:00 Saturday ET

Saudi Aramco unveils the financial secrets of the most profitable corporation in the world.

Saudi Aramco unveils the financial secrets of the most profitable corporation in the world. In its recent public bond issuance prospectus, Aramco offers the

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OraSure and its subsidiary DNA Genotek specialize in the lean production of home DNA spit tubes.

Monica McNeil

2019-04-01 08:28:00 Monday ET

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Warren Buffett shares his fresh economic insights and value investment strategies at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholder forum.

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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen now protects the European circular economy and green growth from 2020 to 2050.

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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen now protects the European circular economy and green growth from 2020 to 2050.

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Facebook faces a major data breach by Cambridge Analytica that has harvested information from 50 million Facebook users.

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Facebook faces a major data breach by Cambridge Analytica that has harvested information from 50 million Facebook users.

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