Artivion Inc. is a medical device company. It focused on developing simple, elegant solutions which address cardiac and vascular surgeons. The company's group of products include aortic stents and stent grafts, prosthetic heart valves, cryopreserved cardiac and vascular allografts and surgical sealants. Artivion Inc., formerly known as CryoLife Inc., is headquartered in suburban Atlanta, Georgia....
+See MoreSharpe-Lintner-Black CAPM alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (1993) 3-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 4-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (2015) 5-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Dynamic conditional 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Last update: Saturday 1 March 2025
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