Amerant Bancorp Inc. Class A Common Stock (NASDAQ:AMTB)

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Amerant Bancorp Inc. is a bank holding company. It operates through its subsidiaries, Amerant Bank, N.A., Amerant Investments, Inc. and Amerant Trust, N.A. The Company provides deposit, credit and wealth management services to individuals and businesses primarily in the U.S., as well as select international clients. Amerant Bancorp Inc., formerly known as Mercantil Bank Holding Corporation, is headquartered in Coral Gables, Florida....

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Here we provide our AYA proprietary alpha stock signals for all premium members on our AYA fintech network platform. Specifically, a high Fama-French multi-factor dynamic conditional alpha suggests that the stock is likely to consistently outperform the broader stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Russell 3000, MSCI USA, and MSCI World etc. Since March 2023, our proprietary alpha stock signals retain U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) fintech patent protection, approval, and accreditation for 20 years. Our homepage and blog articles provide more details on this proprietary alpha stock market investment model with robust long-term historical backtest evidence.

Sharpe-Lintner-Black CAPM alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (1993) 3-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 4-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French (2015) 5-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Fama-French-Carhart 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Dynamic conditional 6-factor alpha (Premium Members Only) Last update: Saturday 31 August 2024


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