Lucira Health Inc. Common Stock (NASDAQ:LHDX)

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The bank-credit-card model and fintech platforms have adapted well to the recent digitization of cashless finance.

Daphne Basel

2023-11-30 08:29:00 Thursday ET

The bank-credit-card model and fintech platforms have adapted well to the recent digitization of cashless finance.

In addition to the OECD bank-credit-card model and Chinese online payment platforms, the open-payments gateways of UPI in India and Pix in Brazil have adapt

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AYA fintech finbuzz analytic report on the global macro economic outlook Winter-Spring 2020

Andy Yeh Alpha

2020-02-02 11:32:00 Sunday ET

AYA fintech finbuzz analytic report on the global macro economic outlook Winter-Spring 2020

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines fresh light on the current global economic outlook. As of Winter-Spring 2020, the analytical report delves into t

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Uber seeks an IPO in close competition with its rideshare rival Lyft and other tech firms such as Slack, Pinterest, and Palantir.

Amy Hamilton

2019-03-13 12:35:00 Wednesday ET

Uber seeks an IPO in close competition with its rideshare rival Lyft and other tech firms such as Slack, Pinterest, and Palantir.

Uber seeks an IPO in close competition with its rideshare rival Lyft and other tech firms such as Slack, Pinterest, and Palantir. Uber expects to complete o

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Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by 28 million programmers worldwide.

Joseph Corr

2018-06-04 08:38:00 Monday ET

Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by 28 million programmers worldwide.

Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by more than 28 million programmers worldwide. GitHub's

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Bidenomics better balances fiscal deficits and government expenditures with new corporate and capital income tax hikes.

Apple Boston

2021-08-01 07:26:00 Sunday ET

Bidenomics better balances fiscal deficits and government expenditures with new corporate and capital income tax hikes.

The Biden administration launches economic reforms in fiscal and monetary stimulus, global trade, finance, and technology. President Joe Biden proposes s

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U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution.

Becky Berkman

2019-09-15 14:35:00 Sunday ET

U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution.

U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution. The U.S. Treasury cla

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