2023-10-21 11:32:00 Saturday ET
Walter Scheidel indicates that persistent European fragmentation after the collapse of the Roman Empire leads to modern economic growth and development.
2019-08-30 11:35:00 Friday ET
The conventional wisdom suggests that chameleons change their skin coloration to camouflage their presence for survival through Darwinian biological evoluti
2022-09-25 09:34:00 Sunday ET
Main reasons for share repurchases Temporary market undervaluation often induces corporate incumbents to initiate a share repurchase program to boost the
2018-05-21 07:39:00 Monday ET
Dodd-Frank rollback raises the asset threshold for systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) from $50 billion to $250 billion. This legislative
2018-09-25 10:35:00 Tuesday ET
Sirius XM pays $3.5 billion shares to acquire the music app company Pandora. This acquisition would form the largest audio entertainment company worldwide.
2018-06-06 09:39:00 Wednesday ET
Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet, talk, and shake hands in the historic peace summit between America and North Korea in Singapore. At the start of the bila