2017-02-01 14:41:00 Wednesday ET
President Trump refreshes his public image through his presidential address to Congress with numerous ambitious economic policies in order to make America g
2023-12-04 12:30:00 Monday ET
Bank leverage and capital bias adjustment through the macroeconomic cycle Abstract We assess the quantitative effects of the recent proposal
2020-05-14 12:35:00 Thursday ET
Disruptive innovators can better compete against luck by figuring out why customers hire products and services to accomplish jobs. Clayton Christensen, T
2019-10-27 17:37:00 Sunday ET
International climate change can cause an adverse impact on long-term real GDP economic growth. USC climate change economist Hashem Pesaran and his co-autho
2022-05-15 10:29:00 Sunday ET
Innovative investment theory and practice Corporate investment can be in the form of real tangible investment or intangible investment. The former conce
2023-03-14 16:43:00 Tuesday ET
Several feasible near-term reforms can substantially narrow the scope for global tax avoidance by closing information loopholes. Thomas Pogge and Krishen