2023-07-28 11:28:00 Friday ET
Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried critique that executive pay often cannot help explain the stock return and operational performance of most U.S. public corpor
2019-02-17 14:40:00 Sunday ET
U.S. economic inequality increases to pre-Great-Depression levels. U.C. Berkeley economics professor Gabriel Zucman empirically finds that the top 0.1% rich
2020-02-02 11:32:00 Sunday ET
Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines fresh light on the current global economic outlook. As of Winter-Spring 2020, the analytical report delves into t
2019-01-08 17:46:00 Tuesday ET
President Trump forces the Federal Reserve to normalize the current interest rate hike to signal its own monetary policy independence from the White House.
2020-02-12 09:31:00 Wednesday ET
Mark Zuckerberg develops Facebook as a social network platform to help empower global connections among family and friends. David Kirkpatrick (2011) T
2017-12-15 07:42:00 Friday ET
Disney acquires 21st Century Fox in a $52 billion landmark deal. This deal has a total value of about $66 billion while Disney assumes $14 billion of Fox