2017-12-03 08:37:00 Sunday ET
Sean Parker, Napster founder and a former investor in Facebook, has become a "conscientious objector" on Facebook. Parker says Facebook explo
2022-04-15 10:32:00 Friday ET
Corporate investment management This review of corporate investment literature focuses on some recent empirical studies of M&A, capital investm
2019-07-21 09:37:00 Sunday ET
Facebook introduces a new cryptocurrency Libra as a fresh medium of exchange for e-commerce. Libra will be available to all the 2 billion active users on Fa
2020-09-17 12:28:00 Thursday ET
Many successful business organizations develop their distinctive capabilities and unique value propositions for strategic reasons. Paul Leinwand and Cesa
2019-08-31 14:39:00 Saturday ET
AYA Analytica finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube August 2019 In this podcast, we discuss several topical issues as of August 2019: (1) Warren B
2025-02-28 11:31:00 Friday ET
AYA fintech network platform provides proprietary alpha stock signals and personal finance tools for stock market investors. As of September 2024, we hav