2019-08-28 14:46:00 Wednesday ET
Santa-Barbara political economy professor Benjamin Cohen proposes new fiscal stimulus to complement the current low-interest-rate monetary policy. Cohen fin
2018-01-19 11:32:00 Friday ET
Most major economies grow with great synchronicity several years after the global financial crisis. These economies experience high stock market valuation,
2019-10-23 15:39:00 Wednesday ET
American CEOs of about 200 corporations issue a joint statement in support of stakeholder value maximization. The Business Roundtable offers this statement
2018-09-13 19:38:00 Thursday ET
Bill Gates shares with Mark Zuckerberg his prior personal experiences of testifying on behalf of Microsoft before U.S. Congress. Both drop out of Harvard to
2023-08-21 12:25:00 Monday ET
Steven Shavell presents his economic analysis of law in terms of the economic outcomes of both legal doctrines and institutions. Steven Shavell (2004)
2018-01-21 07:25:00 Sunday ET
As he refrains from using the memorable phrase *irrational exuberance* to assess bullish investor sentiments, former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan discerns as