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Search results : steady state
2017-08-07This book presents many useful mathematical exercises in postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice.
2017-12-17 11:41:00 Sunday ET
Warren Buffett points out that it is important to invest in oneself. Learning about oneself empowers him or her to lead a meaningful life. This valuable inv
2024-03-19 03:35:58 Tuesday ET
U.S. presidential election: a re-match between Biden and Trump in November 2024 We delve into the 5 major economic themes of the U.S. presidential electi
2019-08-03 09:28:00 Saturday ET
U.S. inflation has become sustainably less than the 2% policy target in recent years. As Harvard macro economist Robert Barro indicates, U.S. inflation has
2018-03-19 10:37:00 Monday ET
Uber's autonomous car causes the first known pedestrian fatality from a driverless vehicle and thus sets off the alarm bell for artificial intelligence.
2018-09-05 08:34:00 Wednesday ET
Citron Research short-sellers initiate a class-action lawsuit against Tesla and its executive chairman Elon Musk because he might have deliberately orchestr
2019-08-20 07:33:00 Tuesday ET
The recent British pound depreciation is a big Brexit barometer. Britain appoints former London mayor and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson as the prime minis