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Macroeconomic theory and evidence in practice

Author Andy Yeh Alpha

This book presents many useful mathematical exercises in postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice. Many quantitative exercises, examples, codes, and solutions draw from the collective wisdom of macroeconomic books by Acemoglu, Barro, Lucas, Prescott, Romer, and Sargent. The reader can benefit from these solutions with many mathematical equations and notations to become familiar with the core curriculum for postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice. The core topics cover baseline macroeconomic time-series analysis, Lucas critique, Kydland-Prescott time-inconsistency problem of rule versus discretion, Solow-Swan steady-state growth model, Friedman permanent income hypothesis, human capital accumulation, investment-specific technological progress, recursive successive approximation, first-order Euler equation, transversality condition, Bellman dynamic programming optimization, Arrow-Debreu initial competitive equilibrium, sequential competitive equilibrium, recursive competitive equilibrium, Krusell skill-capital complementarity and skill-driven income inequality, Lucas tree asset pricing model, Mehra-Prescott equity premium puzzle, Barro fiscal stabilization, Ricardian equivalence theorem, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE), Cass-Koopmans-Ramsey (CKR), real business cycle (RBC), and so forth.


This book presents many useful mathematical exercises in postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice. Many quantitative exercises, examples, codes, and solutions draw from the collective wisdom of macroeconomic books by Acemoglu, Barro, Lucas, Prescott, Romer, and Sargent. The reader can benefit from these solutions with many mathematical equations and notations to become familiar with the core curriculum for postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice. The core topics cover baseline macroeconomic time-series analysis, Lucas critique, Kydland-Prescott time-inconsistency problem of rule versus discretion, Solow-Swan steady-state growth model, Friedman permanent income hypothesis, human capital accumulation, investment-specific technological progress, recursive successive approximation, first-order Euler equation, transversality condition, Bellman dynamic programming optimization, Arrow-Debreu initial competitive equilibrium, sequential competitive equilibrium, recursive competitive equilibrium, Krusell skill-capital complementarity and skill-driven income inequality, Lucas tree asset pricing model, Mehra-Prescott equity premium puzzle, Barro fiscal stabilization, Ricardian equivalence theorem, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE), Cass-Koopmans-Ramsey (CKR), real business cycle (RBC), and so forth.


Although this book does not serve as an attempt to cover all relevant areas of postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice, this book encapsulates myriad hard and solid exercises that require mathematical logic to derive macroeconomic results. The editor puts a great emphasis on macroeconomic intuition and analytical rigor for the reader to better appreciate the substantive content of postgraduate macroeconomic theory and practice. This content spans at least a full year of twin sequential courses on macroeconomic theory and practice.


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