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Search results : fiscal stimulus

Global Macro Fundamental Industry Analysis 2.0 (March 2026)

2026-03-14This ebook delves into the fundamental analysis of new competitive advantages in many global macro industries.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro outlook. As of Spring-Summer 2026, we delve into the mainstream fundamental analysis of each of the mainstream global macro markets, sectors, and indu...+See More
AYA macro tech ebook on the fundamental analysis of each of the mainstream global macro markets, sectors, and industries September 2025

2025-09-11This ebook delves into the fundamental analysis of new competitive advantages in many global macro industries.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Summer-Fall 2025, we delve into the fundamental analysis of global macro industries in terms of competitive advantages, techn...+See More
AYA macro ebook on the fundamental analysis of the global financial system March 2025

2025-03-03This new ebook delves into the fundamental analysis of competitive advantages in the global financial system.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Summer-Fall 2025, we delve into the fundamental analysis of core competitive advantages in the global financial system. In th...+See More
Bidenomics 2.0: trade, taxation, and technology

2024-02-14This ebook delves into key financial topics and stock market investment articles.

This AYA analytic ebook delves into the macroeconomic and technological aspects of Bidenomics from mid-2020 to present. This ebook comprises 4 main parts. The first part explains the pre-Biden Trump economic policy reforms in t...+See More
USPTO patent publication: Algorithmic system for asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation

2023-03-14This USPTO patent publication delves into our algorithmic system for dynamic conditional asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation.

This USPTO patent publication delves into our algorithmic system for dynamic conditional asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation. The current invention pertains to the novel, non-obvious, and applicable ...+See More
Stock market alphas help predict macroeconomic innovations.

2023-03-03This research article delves into mutual causation between stock market alphas and macroeconomic innovations.

This research article delves into mutual causation between stock market alphas and macroeconomic innovations. The online appendix provides complete econometric details and algorithms for empirical analysis. This empirical analy...+See More

2022-09-21This ebook delves into key financial topics and stock market investment articles.

This AYA analytic ebook delves into the macroeconomic and technological aspects of Bidenomics from mid-2020 to present. This ebook comprises 3 main parts. The first part explains the pre-Biden Trump economic policy reforms in t...+See More
New Keynesian monetary policy framework

2022-04-14This ebook delves into the modern collection of prescient New Keynesian macro economic insights with personal annotations and reflections.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic ebook sheds new light on the fundamental themes and insights in the modern economic science from 2000 to 2022. As of Spring-Summer 2022, this ebook provides fresh insights into the mainstream school...+See More
Global history of macroeconomic thought

2022-03-18This ebook delves into the modern collection of prescient macro economic insights with personal annotations and reflections.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic ebook sheds new light on the fundamental themes and insights in the modern economic science from 2000 to 2022. As of Spring-Summer 2022, this ebook provides fresh insights into the mainstream school...+See More
Key motifs in the merry medley of Trump economic reform 2016-2020

2020-06-06This ebook delves into key financial topics and stock investment memes blog posts and essays.

This ebook offers the key motifs in the merry medley of Trump economic reform 2016-2020: (1) Federal Reserve monetary policy decisions and interest rate adjustments in response to inflationary fluctuations, economic output g...+See More


American state attorneys general begin bipartisan antitrust investigations into Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google.

Charlene Vos

2019-10-21 10:35:00 Monday ET

American state attorneys general begin bipartisan antitrust investigations into Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google.

American state attorneys general begin bipartisan antitrust investigations into the market power and corporate behavior of central tech titans such as Apple

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China continues to sell U.S. Treasury bonds amid Sino-U.S. trade truce uncertainty.

Chanel Holden

2019-08-05 13:30:00 Monday ET

China continues to sell U.S. Treasury bonds amid Sino-U.S. trade truce uncertainty.

China continues to sell U.S. Treasury bonds amid Sino-U.S. trade truce uncertainty. In mid-2019, China reduces its U.S. Treasury bond positions by $20.5 bil

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Tech titans from Apple and Amazon to Microsoft and Google can benefit from the G.O.P. tax reform.

James Campbell

2017-12-07 08:31:00 Thursday ET

Tech titans from Apple and Amazon to Microsoft and Google can benefit from the G.O.P. tax reform.

Large multinational tech firms such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon can benefit much from the G.O.P. tax reform. A recent stock research r

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The Sino-American trade war may slash global GDP by $600 billion.

Monica McNeil

2019-06-15 10:28:00 Saturday ET

The Sino-American trade war may slash global GDP by $600 billion.

The Sino-American trade war may slash global GDP by $600 billion. If the Trump administration imposes tariffs on all the Chinese imports and China retaliate

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Jim Cramer provides 5 key reasons against the purchase and use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.

Becky Berkman

2017-11-23 10:42:00 Thursday ET

Jim Cramer provides 5 key reasons against the purchase and use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple.

As the TV host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer provides 5 key reasons against the purchase and use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. First, no one knows the ano

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Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet, talk, and shake hands in the historic U.S.-North-Korean peace summit in Singapore.

Daphne Basel

2018-06-06 09:39:00 Wednesday ET

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet, talk, and shake hands in the historic U.S.-North-Korean peace summit in Singapore.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet, talk, and shake hands in the historic peace summit between America and North Korea in Singapore. At the start of the bila

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