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Search results : behavioral finance

Asset pricing theory and empirical corporate finance

2015-08-07This ebook surveys most contemporary topics and issues in modern asset pricing model design and empirical corporate finance.

This ebook surveys most contemporary topics and issues in modern asset pricing model design and empirical corporate finance. The former focuses on fresh empirical asset pricing tests (e.g. Fama-French factor models), asset pric...+See More
The happy story of small business finance

2010-01-01This research article empirically assesses the financial contentment hypothesis for small business owners.

This research article empirically tests the financial contentment hypothesis for small business owners in both America and Britain.+See More


Corporate investment insights from mergers and acquisitions

Joseph Corr

2022-10-25 11:31:00 Tuesday ET

Corporate investment insights from mergers and acquisitions

Corporate investment insights from mergers and acquisitions Relative market misvaluation between the bidder and target firms drives most waves of mergers

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U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution.

Becky Berkman

2019-09-15 14:35:00 Sunday ET

U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution.

U.S. Treasury officially designates China a key currency manipulator in the broader context of Sino-American trade dispute resolution. The U.S. Treasury cla

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Apple releases the new iOS 13 smartphone features.

John Fourier

2019-07-01 12:35:00 Monday ET

Apple releases the new iOS 13 smartphone features.

Apple releases the new iOS 13 smartphone features. These features include Dark Mode, Audio Share, Memoji, better privacy protection, smart photo collection,

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Harvard financial economist Alberto Cavallo empirically shows the recent *Amazon effect* of faster retail price adjustments.

Amy Hamilton

2018-08-23 11:34:00 Thursday ET

Harvard financial economist Alberto Cavallo empirically shows the recent *Amazon effect* of faster retail price adjustments.

Harvard financial economist Alberto Cavallo empirically shows the recent *Amazon effect* that online retailers such as Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay etc use fas

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House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power.

Peter Prince

2019-08-18 11:33:00 Sunday ET

House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power.

House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power. These companies are Facebook,

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Investing in stocks is the best way for people to become self-made millionaires.

James Campbell

2019-06-25 10:34:00 Tuesday ET

Investing in stocks is the best way for people to become self-made millionaires.

Investing in stocks is the best way for people to become self-made millionaires. A recent Gallup poll indicates that only 37% of young Americans below the a

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