2022-10-25 11:31:00 Tuesday ET
Corporate investment insights from mergers and acquisitions Relative market misvaluation between the bidder and target firms drives most waves of mergers
2023-05-21 12:26:00 Sunday ET
Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld suggest that relatively successful ethnic groups exhibit common cultural traits in America. Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld (2015)
2017-12-19 09:39:00 Tuesday ET
From Oprah Winfrey to Bill Gates, this infographic visualization summarizes the key habits and investment styles of highly successful entrepreneurs:
2018-05-21 07:39:00 Monday ET
Dodd-Frank rollback raises the asset threshold for systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) from $50 billion to $250 billion. This legislative
2018-11-05 10:40:00 Monday ET
Former Fed Chair Janet Yellen worries about U.S. government debt accumulation, expects new interest rate increases, and warns of the next economic recession
2023-07-28 11:28:00 Friday ET
Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried critique that executive pay often cannot help explain the stock return and operational performance of most U.S. public corpor