Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe outlines the main economic priorities for the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

Laura Hermes

2019-07-13 07:17:00 Sat ET

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe outlines the main economic priorities for the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan. First, Asian countries need to forge the key Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) for both free and fair trade in China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the 10 members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). This Asian trade bloc promotes sound and efficient trade relations as China, India, and Japan lead the mainstream consensus views on economic integration, financial stabilization, and intellectual property protection.

Second, Asian countries must help ensure the safe and free flows of data via digital networks. With respect to this recent digitization, the socioeconomic ramifications of data flows can rival, or may even surpass, the broader impact of petroleum and the internal combustion engine in the prior century. Third, Japan leads many Asian countries in terms of disruptive innovation that helps tackle global environmental degradation. In the new era of beautiful harmony, the Japanese Abe administration attempts to help reduce carbon emissions with better artificial photosynthesis. This innovative technology contributes to maximum sustainable employment, economic growth, and capital investment accumulation. Overall, the Abe administration hosts the G20 summit for better international trade, data, and environmental protection.


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Amazon follows Apple to become the second U.S. public corporation to hit $1 trillion stock market valuation.

Dan Rochefort

2018-09-03 09:31:00 Monday ET

Amazon follows Apple to become the second U.S. public corporation to hit $1 trillion stock market valuation.

Amazon follows Apple to become the second American public corporation to hit $1 trillion stock market valuation. Amazon's founder and chairman Jeff Bezo

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Government intervention remains a major influence over global trade, finance, and technology.

Amy Hamilton

2023-08-31 10:22:00 Thursday ET

Government intervention remains a major influence over global trade, finance, and technology.

Government intervention remains a major influence over global trade, finance, and technology. Nowadays, many governments tend to eschew common ownership

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President Trump praises great unity and progress at the G7 summit.

Rose Prince

2019-09-21 09:25:00 Saturday ET

President Trump praises great unity and progress at the G7 summit.

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The Trump fiscal trifecta of lower income taxation, new infrastructure, and deregulation has yet to run its natural course.

Becky Berkman

2017-04-25 06:35:00 Tuesday ET

The Trump fiscal trifecta of lower income taxation, new infrastructure, and deregulation has yet to run its natural course.

This nice and clear infographic visualization helps us better decipher the main memes and themes of President Donald Trump's first 100 days in office.

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President Trump meets the CEOs of tech titans such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.

John Fourier

2017-06-15 07:32:00 Thursday ET

President Trump meets the CEOs of tech titans such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.

President Donald Trump has discussed with the CEOs of large multinational corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. This discussion include

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Larry Summers critiques that the Trump tax holiday for U.S. multinational corporations may cause inadvertent consequences.

Rose Prince

2017-01-17 12:42:00 Tuesday ET

Larry Summers critiques that the Trump tax holiday for U.S. multinational corporations may cause inadvertent consequences.

Former Treasury Secretary and Harvard President Larry Summers critiques that the Trump administration's generous tax holiday for American multinational

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