Personal Investment Vitae

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AYA Personal Investment Vitae as of December 2024
Lu @Allen
Free member

Location: New York, U.S.A.

Gender: Male

Market capitalization:


Virtual portfolio value:


Net overall return per annum:


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Top 10 profitable stock transactions since January 2020Strategy

Symbol Company Buy Sell Share Volume Return (%) Profit ($)
SMCI Super Micro Computer Inc. Common Stock $621.66 $940.44 300 +51.28% $95,634
ASML ASML Holding N.V. New York Registry Shares $560.79 $710.24 600 +26.65% $89,670
AMD Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Common Stock $140.15 $179.62 1,500 +43.60% $59,205
AMD Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Common Stock $140.15 $180.42 1,000 +44.24% $40,270
AAPL Apple Inc. Common Stock $148.32 $196.94 700 +32.82% $34,034
TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. $82.46 $102.12 1,500 +25.18% $29,490
ASML ASML Holding N.V. New York Registry Shares $560.79 $744.71 100 +32.80% $18,392
X United States Steel Corporation Common Stock $25.70 $31.25 2,000 +21.60% $11,100
AAPL Apple Inc. Common Stock $148.32 $197.96 200 +33.50% $9,928
TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. $82.46 $100.95 500 +23.74% $9,245
Sum $396,968

Top 10 current stock portfolio positions as of December 2024Strategy

Symbol Company Price Position Capitalization
MU Micron Technology Inc. Common Stock $90.12 3,400 $306,408
MSFT Microsoft Corporation Common Stock $436.60 700 $305,620
TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. $197.21 1,210 $238,624
NVDA NVIDIA Corporation Common Stock $134.70 790 $106,413
MRVL Marvell Technology Inc. Common Stock $111.90 690 $77,211
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated Common Stock Class A $364.20 90 $32,778
Sum $1,067,054

Top 20 favorite stocks

#1 - #5 #6 - #10 #11 - #15 #15 - #20


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