Manulife Financial Corporation Common Stock (NYSE:MFC)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

Manulife Financial Corporation one of the dominant life insurers. Manulife reports earnings through six divisions and has five major operating divisions - Asia, Canada, U.S. Insurance and U.S. Wealth Management and Corporate. The Global Wealth and Asset Management offers a broad range of personal and family-oriented wealth management products and services focused on individuals and business markets. The segment has three core business lines - John Hancock Wealth Asset Management, John Hancock Variable Annuities and John Hancock Fixed Products. Corporate and Other is comprised of the earnings on assets backing capital. The Canadian division offers a diverse portfolio of products, services and distribution channels. The segment also markets life, health and specialty products, such as travel insurance, to consumers through a number of alternative distribution channels. Through Manulife Bank, the segment offers a variety of lending products including fixed and variable rate mortgages....

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