Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:BHBK)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc. (Blue Hills Bancorp), incorporated on February 27, 2014, is a bank holding company for the Blue Hills Bank (the Bank). Blue Hills Bank is a Massachusetts-chartered savings bank. As of December 31, 2016, the Bank provided financial services to individuals, families, small to mid-size businesses and government and non-profit organizations online and through its 11 full-service branch offices located in Brookline, Dedham, Hyde Park, Milton, Nantucket, Norwood, West Roxbury, and Westwood, Massachusetts. It also operates loan production offices in Boston, Cambridge, Franklin, Plymouth, Winchester, Hingham, Concord and Lowell, Massachusetts. Its primary deposit-taking market includes Norfolk, Suffolk and Nantucket Counties in Massachusetts, and its lending market is primarily based in eastern Massachusetts. ...

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