Andeavor Logistics LP (NYSE:ANDX)

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Andeavor Logistics LP, formerly Tesoro Logistics LP, incorporated on December 3, 2010, is a full-service logistics company operating in the western and mid-continent regions of the United States. The Company operates through three segments: Gathering, Processing, and Terminalling and Transportation. Its Gathering segment consists of crude oil, natural gas and produced water gathering systems in the Bakken Region and Rockies Region. Its Processing segment consists of the Vermillion processing complex, the Uinta Basin processing complex, the Blacks Fork processing complex and the Emigrant Trail processing complex. Its Terminalling and Transportation segment consists of the Northwest Products Pipeline, which includes a regulated common carrier products; a regulated common carrier refined products pipeline system connecting Tesoro Corporation's (Tesoro's) Kenai refinery to Anchorage, Alaska, and crude oil and refined products terminals and storage facilities in the western and midwestern United States; marine terminals in California; a petroleum coke handling and storage facility in Los Angeles, and other pipelines. ...

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